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Welome to

A spring in your step,
and hope in your heart,
as we give YOUR family
a brand new start

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The mission of Autism Solutions Kent is to give power and hope back to the parents, by enabling their child with autism to have a better quality of life, be more independent and teach their full potential.


This is achieved by offering consultancy and training for the parents using a unique blend of evidence based therapies. The individualised program is for the whole family and the child’s therapy is built into their every day routines.


It uses a multidisciplinary approach, maximising efficiency by using existing services. This, together with the fact that we fast track the child’s progress enabling them to gain the necessary skills to cope in our ever changing world, means the amount of money spent supporting the child in the long term, is minimised.


We strategically use choice and motivation to drive all learning, as we lovingly tailor the program around each family and coach both the child and the parents towards independence.

We do assessments on skills and behaviours, design programs and plans, coach parents and professionals to help children and young people with:

⁃ language development
⁃ Sleeping, eating and toileting skills
⁃ Behaviours that challenge
⁃ Self harm, anxiety and depression
⁃ Barriers to learning
⁃ Communication
⁃ Daily living skills
⁃ Tolerance and flexibility
⁃ Picky eating
⁃ Attention deficit
⁃ Sensory issues

Check out our services page to see more about what we do.

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